Startup Stereo

Startup Stereo

Plug into the Sounds of Founders, Innovators, and Change Makers

#05 – Culture of Failure – With Dirk Schart and Julian Leitloff

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Today’s guests are German Accelerator Alumni Dirk Schart, CMO & President U.S. of RE'FLEKT, and Julian Leitloff, Founder & CEO of Fractal.

In our conversation we address the topic of culture of failure from many different angles: the international one - looking at Dirk and Julian’s perception of the culture around failure in Silicon Valley, New York, and Singapore. The company culture angle - looking at the role founders and leaders in organizations play as role models by sharing when something didn’t go as expected. And we tackle it from a personal angle – looking at Dirk and Julian’s learnings from the year 2020.

Wishing you lots of aha-moments whilst listening to our conversation about failure or as Julian says: “Failure is only failure if you stop doing it, before that it’s learning!”

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Aufzählungs-TextHow Dirk and Julian define failure or rather learning Dirk and Julian’s experience with the culture of failure in Silicon Valley, New York, and Singapore
  • How talking about failure and vulnerabilities is one of the best ways to get people to join you in your cause
  • The intention behind Julian’s book “Keinhorn – was es wirklich heißt, ein Startup zu gründen” to show the realistic everyday life of startups beyond the glorious successes
  • How it takes guts to open up about failure and the importance of doing so as founders to show they are not alone with their struggles
  • How leadership is important when creating a strong failure culture and how leaders must act as role models by sharing things that didn’t work out
  • Diversity: the more diverse your team is, the easier it is to experience a culture of failure and how Dirk sees it as one of the success factors of Silicon Valley
  • The role of founders in creating a cultural frame for a failure culture and the people in the team to fill this frame with life
  • The importance of dedicated formats to share failures like fuck-up nights, flopcasts, relaxed Friday afternoon sessions with guest speakers sharing about their learnings, or even team book club discussions
  • Risks: without a potential failure you don’t have the potential opportunity
  • Normalizing and talking about risk to get rid of the fear, and how to get things from the “failure department” to “this is what the rich and smart people do: they talk about and engage with risk”
  • The personal learnings from 2020 such as how to use unexpected events as an opportunity á la "what's in it for me?"


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About this podcast

German Accelerator’s “Startup Stereo” is a podcast with and for founders, innovators, and change-makers. Plug into the stories, experiences, and best practices around startups, expansion, leadership, new work, company culture, and more. German Accelerator empowers high-potential German startups to scale globally - Visit for more!

German Accelerator is a program funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy (BMWi) and is currently managed by German Entrepreneurship GmbH. The current funding period for this program will expire on December 31, 2020. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is currently reviewing proposals in a public procurement procedure for the new funding period starting on January 1, 2021. This could lead to a change of project management effective January 1, 2021. While the procurement procedure is ongoing, startups can apply to and participate in the German Accelerator programs. In the event of a change of the project management provider, German Entrepreneurship GmbH will reach out to all applicants to ask for their consent to share their data with the new provider.

by German Accelerator


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